WordPress On-Demand: WordPress 6 Level 1 Course Outline
*** Note: This is an On-Demand (self-study) course, 180-day, 24-7 access via the internet ***
(Applicable State and Local taxes may be added for On-Demand purchases, depending on your location.) You may take this course at any time; there are no set dates. This On-Demand (self-study) training course includes expert lectures, demonstrations and exercises that cover the same content that is included in our instructor-led (ILT) class. Note: The 180-day access period begins at time of purchase.
In this class you will learn to launch your website quickly with the help of a quick WordPress 6 installation guide; create a quality website with a proper assembly of important subpages; install and work with plugins and widgets; install and create attractive themes for your website; create custom menus to improve the user experience of your website; upload multimedia content such as images, audio, and video easily and effectively.
This WordPress 6 Level 1 course will be the building block to your experience with WordPress 6. It will give you the fundamental administrative functions of the WordPress dashboard and a solid understanding of basic themes and plugins.
More than just providing an easy way to make a good looking web site or blog, WordPress was developed with search engine optimization in mind. The class also covers how to use powerful SEO plugins so that you will be more easily found online.
Anyone new to WordPress or who is self-taught on the product is a good candidate for this course. No prior WordPress knowledge is needed. No prior web development or programming skills are required. This course is designed for non-technical users who are more interested in content management and search engine optimization than the technical aspects of web site creation.
Do You Still Prefer a Live, Instructor-led Class?
Already know On-Demand training is not right for you? We also offer this course in a live, instructor-led format. For details, click on the link below:
Instructor-led WordPress Training Classes
You have 24/7 access for 180-days to this digital course that includes 12-16 hours of content, 96 minutes of video, and labs. As a traditional course this would be a 2-day class.
Course Outline
Introducing WordPress
WordPress Basics
Understanding the Common Terms
Choosing a WordPress Hosting Option for Your Site
Exercise - Installing and WordPress Setup Basics using cPanel (optional)
Exercise - Installing and WordPress Setup Basics using qSandbox (optional)
Review - Introducing WordPress
Getting Started with WordPress
WordPress Admin Dashboard Basics
Setting Up SSL Security with a Plugin
Exercise - Setting Up SSL Security with a Plugin Exercise
Setting a Home Page
Exercise - Setting a Home Page
Creating a Basic Menu using the Customizer
Exercise - Creating a Basic Menu using the Customizer
Creating a Basic Menu using Appearance Menu
Exercise - Creating a Basic Menu using Appearance Menu
Media Library Basics
Setting Up a Privacy Policy
Exercise - Setting Up a Privacy Policy
Review - Getting Started with WordPress
Creating Static Pages in WordPress
Setting Up a Page and Page Title
Exercise - Setting Up a Page and Page Title
Creating Text Blocks
Exercise - Creating Text Blocks
Creating Image Blocks
Exercise - Creating Image Blocks
Additional Blocks - Maps Galleries and More
Exercise - Additional Blocks - Maps Galleries and More
Review - Creating Static Pages in WordPress
Creating Blog Content in WordPress
Creating Categories
Exercise - Creating Categories
Creating Tags
Exercise - Creating Tags
Creating a Blog Post and using Blocks
Exercise - Creating a Blog Post and using Blocks
Review - Creating Blog Content in WordPress
WordPress Plugins
Researching Plugins
Installing Plugins thru the WordPress Repository
Exercise - Installing Plugins thru the WordPress Repository
Installing Plugins via a Zip File and Manual Upload
Exercise - Installing Plugins via a Zip File and Manual Upload
Caching Plugins and Installing the WP Fastest Cache Plugin
Exercise - Caching Plugins and Installing the WP Fastest Cache Plugin
SEO Plugins and Installing the Yoast SEO Plugin
Exercise - SEO Plugins and Installing the Yoast SEO Plugin
Backup Plugins and Installing the BackWPup Plugin
Exercise - Backup Plugins and Installing the BackWPup Plugin
Analytics Plugins and Installing the Site Kit by Google
Exercise - Analytics Plugins and Installing the Site Kit by Google
Social Media Sharing Plugins and Installing the Simple Social Media Share Buttons Plugin
Exercise - Social Media Sharing Plugins and Installing the Simple Social Media Share Buttons Plugin
Review - WordPress Plugins
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