Last Updated on November 22, 2023

As the modern business industry continues to advance, business intelligence (BI) has become critical as it enables business owners to analyze the available data so that they can make informed decisions. This is why large enterprises and small-scale businesses are investing massive resources in advanced BI data tools like Power BI from Microsoft and highly trained and experienced data professionals to provide them with the right intelligence.

Power BI has become an essential tool for cleaning, altering, organizing, and visualizing data in organizations, and businesses are constantly looking to hire data analysts with Power BI skills. As a data professional, therefore, you must be fully conversant with this data tool before you go asking for employment. Fortunately, many reputable establishments like ONLC offer the best Power BI training.  

Although many data professionals and organizations have already embraced this data tool, some are still not sure why they need it. Some of the common questions they ask include: What is the best way to learn Power BI, and is learning Power BI worth it? How long will it take to learn Power BI? This article will answer these and other related concerns.

Power BI Explained

Power BI is interactive data visualization software developed by Microsoft to help businesses gather useful intelligence from the data they receive every day. This data tool is part of the Microsoft Power platform. It comprises software services, applications, and connectors designed to work harmoniously to help you turn various sources of data into coherent, visually consistent, and interactive insights that’ll inform your business decisions.

Data comes from various sources, including webpages, databases, and structured files like spreadsheets, XML, JSON, and CSV. This data tool offers cloud-based BI services as well as a desktop-based interface; it also provides data warehouse capabilities such as data preparation, interactive dashboards, and data discovery.

Importance of Learning Power BI

Whether you’re a data professional looking to advance your career or a business owner looking to improve your company’s productivity using Power BI, you need to undergo full training and be certified by Microsoft. Here are the benefits of learning Power BI:

Simple Data Transformation

Once you’ve undergone full Power BI training, you can easily connect to different data sources, transform the available data, and cleanse it with a Power BI desktop. Remember that the main purpose of using this data tool is to connect to various sources of data, model the available data, clean the data, and gather useful insights that will inform your business decisions. You can’t do this without the necessary Power BI training.

Creating Your Own Data Models

Power BI is all about data modeling and visualization. This training gives you hands-on skills that you can use to create your own data models and visuals. You’ll also be able to optimize the available data models to design well-structured tables and columns. With the right Power BI training, you can easily use the KPI of your employees’ job profiles to measure their performance.

Learn to Utilize the Power BI Service Configuration

Any Microsoft Power BI training course should teach you how to handle dashboard configurations along with well-organized publication and embedding of reports. The training provides you with the right skills to incorporate and configure security measures for dashboards and published reports.

Remain Competitive

Many organizations today are confronted with serious situations that require management to make well-informed business decisions right away, which is why they’re always looking for ways, tools, and personnel to help them utilize the available data to come up with practical insights that can inform their decisions. Today, almost all businesses are using Microsoft Power BI to clean, transform, and visualize data from multiple sources.

So, if you want to prosper in your career as a data professional, you need to be well-versed in Power BI. As a data professional, you can offer your employer more value by cleansing their data, developing calculated tables and columns, assessing data transactions, and handling hierarchies–this is why you need to take your Power BI training seriously.

About The Author

Microsoft Certified Trainer and Consultant specializing in Office 365, Microsoft SharePoint, Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Office Development, and Crystal Reports. In Glenn's career as an independent consultant, he provided network design, implementation and administration, database development, support services and training for several firms in the greater Philadelphia area.

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