python training courses

Last Updated on November 8, 2022

Python for Non-Programmers

Python is a simple yet powerful tool, and like a Swiss Army Knife, it can be used for almost anything. The use of Python has risen steadily in recent years due to its use in some of the most cutting-edge technologies today. It ranks third on the list of most popular coding languages used in 2019. ONLC is translating Python for non-programmers using the real-world use cases listed below:

Artificial Intelligence

Python has quickly become the most used programming language for AI, machine learning, and data science. While these may sound like buzzwords, machine learning is genuinely revolutionary because it is turning traditional programming on its head. Rather than programmers writing instructions that programs follow, programs can now create their own guidelines by learning from big data that programmers feed them. A powerful tool like Python is needed to handle this massive amount of data. Familiar examples of machine learning are face and voice recognition used by smartphones, recommendation systems found in Netflix and Spotify, and catching fraudulent banking transactions.

Python is the top choice for machine learning because of its robust, tried-and-true libraries that make development faster and more cost-effective.

Data Analysis and Visualization

Data has become a very precious resource in today’s world. Those who can organize, analyze, and extract insights from data will reap its value. Python’s extensive libraries for data analysis and visualization make it a popular tool for this purpose.

Additionally, fields that are concerned with interpreting data like biology, physics, and statistics are embracing Python for scientific computing because of its ease of use.


Scripting can be thought of as automating simple tasks or processes. For example, a programmer might use Python to write a script that counts common phrases in customer emails to find the most popular questions asked about a product instead of searching through the emails manually. In many cases, Python can be used as the “glue” that brings different pieces of information together.

Application Development

Python is widely used for web and desktop applications to write server-side code. It is open-source, meaning it is free to use. It has clean syntax, making it easy to write. It also has several frameworks like Django, which are used for “out-of-the-box” application development instead of starting from scratch. For these reasons, Python is a popular choice in the startup world to build scalable prototypes and iterate quickly.

Well-known applications that were built using Python include Instagram, Dropbox, and Pinterest.


Compared to other programming languages, Python reads like English. This is why it is a popular language choice in schools and universities. Because of its dynamic typing, built-in data structures, and concise syntax, Python makes an excellent first programming language. ONLC offers an introductory Python course to help beginners get started.

Other Use Cases

In addition to the examples above, Python can be found in many other domains such as web scraping, the Internet of Things, CAD applications, gaming, and robotics.
From tech giants to startups to absolute beginners, Python is a coding language that is powerful, versatile, and fun to use. Get started with ONLC’s wide selection of Python training courses today. Call us at 800-288-8221 to speak with an advisor.

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