Last Updated on April 25, 2024

Power Apps has helped 7.5 million developers create no-code and low-code apps for more than 2,100 (and still counting) businesses, generating over $2 billion worth of revenue. In fact, the platform is so easy to use that even those without any coding knowledge can use the tool to create apps.

Understanding the intricacies of Power Apps is essential for developing user-friendly applications. Despite the platform’s user-friendly nature, mastering the art of drag-and-drop coding templates and grasping coding concepts is pivotal, as it can present its own set of challenges.

If you’re wondering how to start using Power Apps, ONLC’s Power Apps and Power Automate training can get you up to speed in no time.

What Is Microsoft Power Apps? 

Microsoft Power Apps is a cloud-based, low-code platform that enables developers and entrepreneurs to create applications even when they don’t have coding knowledge or previous experience. It uses a drag-and-drop interface and offers pre-built templates you can use to start your app-building process. 

The platform has three different options for app development you can select after you learn what Power Apps is used for

  • Portals: These enable you to create websites for internal or external use. 
  • Model-driven apps: This layout is for apps with complex business structures, such as industrial or marketing apps. 
  • Canvas apps: This option is the easiest to use and features drag-and-drop templates you can use when starting to make your app.  

Depending on your knowledge of coding concepts, you can use any of the three options.

Why Should You Learn Power Apps?

Power Apps may sound like an app version of Webflow or Wix. But is it as easy to use, and why should you even bother to learn it? 

Low-Code Ecosystem

Compared to most app builders, Power Apps rarely requires you to have coding knowledge, even for the most challenging projects. Its intuitive drag-and-drop functions and hundreds of ready-to-use templates also make starting projects easy. 

Plus, you don’t have to create two different coding scripts for iOS and Android devices because Power Apps is compatible with all of them. This saves hours of time and effort. 

Data Connections

Power Apps effortlessly connects your business data–typically stored across dozens of locations, such as Excel sheets, DropBox, Dynamics 365, SQL tables, and Sharepoint–and uses this information to create basic applications that you can customize. 

This ensures your app is based on recent data and has no logical or data-related issues. 

AI Capabilities

Power Apps can help companies predict outcomes, derive insights from data, and improve performance. It does all of this through its AI capabilities, which include the following: 

  • Object detection: It helps you locate and identify objects in videos and images. This is crucial for certain companies, such as those looking to audit their warehouses. 
  • Test classification: It enables you to tag text entries in data sets, allowing you to find duplicates, perform product analyses, and do inventory checks. 
  • Binary classification: It makes use of business data to forecast project outcomes. This is crucial for effective decision-making and risk mitigation. 

How to Learn Power Apps

Now that you know how useful Power Apps can be, let’s figure out how you could learn the ropes without becoming a coder: 

Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn should be your starting point if you’re looking for a free, self-paced way to learn Power Apps. The platform provides access to over 150 Power Apps-related courses you could go through, such as Introduction to Power Apps, which is a great starting point. 

Unfortunately, while these courses focus on every aspect of Power Apps you could possibly want to learn about, they aren’t neatly compiled, which can make finding answers harder if you get stuck. 

Microsoft App in a Day

While not as complete as Microsoft Learn courses, you can also take App in a Day training to understand how to build an app of your own, how to connect it to various data sources, and how to share your app within your organization. However, while this training is convenient, it is short and not very thorough, which means you might not learn the more technical aspects of app building that you need.

ONLC Training

If self-paced learning isn’t your thing or you want access to instructor-led training with teachers you can discuss any issues you have questions about, ONLC’s Power Apps and Power Automate training might be the solution you need.

With OLNC, you get to participate in live training sessions, get hands-on experience that delves into the inner workings of Power Apps, and attend classes from anywhere (online or in person). This makes the learning process stress-free and easy! 


Microsoft Power Apps enables businesses to create custom applications for everyday tasks like inventory management, custom form fill-ins, and helpdesk backups. Its drag-and-drop environment streamlines app development and makes creating high-quality apps simple.

If you’re looking to learn and master Power Apps, paid options like ONLC might be your best bet because they offer hands-on experiences and instructor-led classes that enable you to clarify concepts early on. If you’re hesitant about going the paid route, you can always check out Microsoft’s Power Apps courses to get some practice in, and then go for a formal training program to validate your skills and get a certificate that will improve your resume!

About The Author

Microsoft Certified Trainer and Consultant specializing in Office 365, Microsoft SharePoint, Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Office Development, and Crystal Reports. In Glenn's career as an independent consultant, he provided network design, implementation and administration, database development, support services and training for several firms in the greater Philadelphia area.

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