
Last Updated on July 6, 2022

The new Cyberseek service, just released by CompTIA, is a tool designed to help bridge the cybersecurity talent gap. The tools included in this service provide information on the supply and demand for cybersecurity professionals and can help everyone involved in the employment spectrum, from students to company executives.

One of the helpful tools offered by Cyberseek is an interactive heat map that provides several pieces of key information for cybersecurity opportunities in each state. Just click on the U.S. state that you’re interested in to see the statistics of job listings in that state. The heat map gives you:

  • the top cybersecurity titles in that state or region
  • the total number of job openings
  • the number of people currently employed within defined job titles
  • ratios of job openings versus people employed in comparison to other states
  • the job openings that require you to have a certification for employment

Let’s discuss how the CompTIA Cyberseek service and heat map tool can provide information to the different participants in the employment process.


Cyberseek’s tools can help students gauge the demand for cybersecurity professionals in their region. It can also communicate what skills and educational credentials a student needs as well as the average salaries for the job titles found in each of those regions. These stats can lead students in the right direction to determining what educational location will support their career goals. Cyberseek can also help students locate internships in their field of study to build their resume and knowledge base.  

Currently Employed Workers

Cyberseek can provide currently employed job seekers with information on the demand for jobs in their community or a community that they might be looking to relocate to. It can also help them determine what skills or credentials that they might need to help them transition to a different job title. Lastly, this could potentially help employees leverage their knowledge and skills towards a raise or promotion within their current company based on the supply and demand of people with their skill set.

Career Advisors and Education Providers

The question of whether or not educational institutions should provide a cybersecurity degree can be answered by determining the number of available jobs in their region. This is where Cyberseek can help. Institutions can determine the needed skills and required courses that should be offered to make their students more desirable to local employers. The level of education that students should obtain as well as the entry-level positions that students should target are also key pieces of information that can determine class topics, sizes and availability.

Cybersecurity Employers

The size of the current security workforce and how that compares to other regions can be seen using the interactive heat map. Cyberseek can show employers how much it will cost to hire cybersecurity professionals as well as help them determine how hard it will be to fill open positions by looking at how many qualified professionals are currently available.

In addition to the list of available job titles, the Cyberseek heat map also shows the concentration of those titles that require certification for employment. The best way to be sure you’re qualified for these opportunities is to obtain the skills and certifications that are necessary to apply. You can obtain these certifications through a certified training center like ONLC.

ONLC offers courses for all types of cybersecurity certifications. Get your training at one of the 300 online classroom sites or attend classes on your own computer with remote classroom instruction. Contact ONLC and start on your path towards your perfect cybersecurity career today.

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