
Last Updated on July 29, 2016

Knowing your way around Microsoft Excel is a good skill to master for any job. It’s likely one of the most widely used, if not the most widely used business software today. So while complete mastery may not be required for your occupation, gaining the ability to navigate it easily is definitely worth your time.

That being said, there are jobs where absolute mastery of Excel is crucial to success. For those roles, becoming Excel certified is a smart move that can not only increase your chances of obtaining such a job but in succeeding. Let’s look at some roles where an Excel certification could serve you well.

Management Consultant

Management consultants are hired by major companies to help them conduct relevant research and make important strategic decisions. They’re often involved in research and analysis around maximizing revenue, minimizing costs, and other metrics key that are key to a well-functioning business. A consultant may be asked to do any one of many things using Excel, from data segmentation to regression analysis, to financial modeling and more.


It probably goes without saying that those looking to succeed in the accounting world must be sharp and fast with numbers, and there’s no better program than Excel to help organize and analyze those numbers. Even entry level accountants will be called upon to conduct recording and auditing, and more experienced accountants will take those skills to conduct a more complicated cost analysis. Becoming Excel certified is practically a must for any aspiring accountant.


Some might see marketing as being more concerned with the right words and language, but a huge part of marketing consists of testing a variety of options, then analyzing their performance via – you guessed it – Excel spreadsheets. Marketers who do their jobs best know that acting based on evidence and facts is almost always more valuable than going with what sounds best.


While there are quite a few options out there for the budding or experienced entrepreneur to manage his or her finances, Excel remains a tried and true option. Knowing how to navigate this software is an invaluable skill for any entrepreneur because when it comes to succeeding in your own business, the bottom line is what matters most. Being able to conduct thoughtful analysis via an Excel spreadsheet can offer insight into what is working, what isn’t, and how to best spend your precious capital.

Financial Analyst

Want to make your mark helping others navigate financial markets, whether those people are major businesses, individuals, or anything in between? Having a strong knowledge of Excel will help you succeed as a financial analyst. Operating at an expert leveI might not be a requirement, but those who rise to the top will have an advanced knowledge of the software.

When it comes down to Microsoft Excel certification jobs, it’s hard to argue that knowing your way around this invaluable program is worthwhile. It can be described as the difference between being just a hard worker, and being a smart worker. It’s admirable and worthwhile to put your time in doing hard work, but those who find the most success will not only work hard, but will work smart. Knowing Excel, and the ways it can offer insight into complicated financial and mathematical information is a great way to work smarter, not harder.

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