Last Updated on April 26, 2024

Learning Microsoft Access has many benefits, from running accurate reports by extracting data from numerous records and data sources to improving workplace efficiency by coordinating data management in one place. Microsoft Access courses from ONLC are available at every level, from introductory classes for new users to advanced programming courses for experienced system users. 

The scope of functionality and capacity means Access is used extensively as an enterprise solution in every sector and industry, boosting automation, productivity, and accuracy by handling any volume of data with customizable reporting, inquiries, and integrations.


Popular Uses of Microsoft Access

Below, we’ll summarize some of the most common ways to utilize Microsoft Access–either as a standalone function or to handle multiple tasks and reporting requirements within an organization.


Gathering Business Intelligence

Companies rely on data to paint a picture of what is happening to assist with informed decision-making and forecasting. Access can be used as a database to collate data around sales, transactions, inquiries, and customer communications, with reporting features that add value by allowing users to chart and track metrics and trends with ease.

Summary reports gather all the relevant data points from across a database, showing a snapshot or cross-section of figures such as units sold, average interactions, number of subscribers, repeat clients, or any other important factors that will influence managers’ decisions.


Creating Detailed Financial Reporting

Microsoft Access can create any report based on your commands and criteria, whether to collate all sales or transactions completed within a custom time frame or more detailed depictions that analyze sales against other measurable outcomes or factors. Businesses also use automated Access reporting functionality as part of their financial controls, which could include running a report of all unbilled services provided, extracting lists of all inquiries yet to be marked as completed, or reporting on unpaid invoices to facilitate accurate reminders.

Whether a wider-scope report related to organizational financial health or specific inquiries to track the number, frequency, or value of sales or transactions, users can share a shortcut to a customized report, ensuring it can be run immediately by any authorized user. 


Workforce Management

Databases are often used to log employees, contractors, and vendors, with advanced tools that can be used to coordinate scheduling, payments, and other deliverables. Managers use Microsoft Access to:

  • Record and run reports against employee attendance, leave requests, and absences, used within payroll and appraisals
  • Log the number of staff available at any time or to aid with workplace planning to ensure a suitable capacity during peak periods
  • Analyze the tasks or projects assigned to departments or individual colleagues, using queries to define the personnel with the right qualifications or training to take on a specific responsibility or duty
  • Manage salary and payment data, often integrating reports logging performance, bonuses, and incentives with payroll software to ensure accurate salaries and wages


In some sectors, such as healthcare, Microsoft Access is also used to meet regulatory compliance requirements, such as by adding dropdown boxes to each employee record to ensure all workforce members have completed refresher training when required or have met minimum certification requirements.


Inventory and Sales Monitoring

Companies that store physical goods, inventory, and components utilize the capabilities of Microsoft Access to ensure they have real-time visibility of products in stock, sales achieved, and bottlenecks that may impact ordering and procurement processes. Access can store details such as product codes, descriptions, SKU numbers, and storage locations, pinpointing where sales trajectories indicate a likelihood of outstripping supply or dictating the number of days or weeks stock is expected to last.

Users can manipulate inventory data by the name, description, or identifying code related to the part to track stock levels and assess customer behaviors, evaluating which items are selling at what pace and to which buyer groups or demographics.


Customer Relationship Management

Finally, Microsoft Access is a valuable tool in customer service controls, with records of every client or buyer covering their purchase history, specifications, preferences, and contact details. System users can edit records when new information is provided, making updates available to all colleagues while running reports and inquiries to analyze buyer behaviors and ensure all interactions are personalized and relevant.

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