ethical hacking

Last Updated on July 6, 2022

Ethical hackers are fast becoming one of the most in-demand cybersecurity roles. Ransomware attacks, compromised networks, and information security vulnerabilities cost businesses millions each year. Ethical hackers help these organizations find vulnerabilities and hidden weaknesses before the “bad guys” do.  

What is an Ethical Hacker? 

Unlike black hat hackers who use their computer science, social engineering, and network security skills for negative (and often illegal) purposes, ethical hacking involves using those same skills for good. Ethical hackers apply the same hacking tools that a black hat hacker would to find potential access points and weaknesses in a network. Ethical Hackers have become an essential rung of cybersecurity professionals and now employed and contracted by businesses and government organizations across the globe. 

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

The Certified Ethical Hacker, also known as CEH, is a core certification for those looking to start a career in ethical hacking. This program from the EC-Council teaches the fundamentals of ethical hacking. Students learn the basics of computer systems and operating systems along with the most common hacking tools. It also introduces more advanced techniques around penetration testing, blocking cyberattacks, cybercrime countermeasures, firewall testings, and more.  

CEH classes aren’t just for IT security beginners either. The Certified Ethical Hacker course introduces new techniques that even seasoned cybersecurity professionals might not be aware of. Many corporate and consulting ethical hacking jobs require your CEH certification as well.  

Who Hires Ethical Hackers? 

Ethical hackers are employed by almost every type of private, public, and government organization. Some of the career paths for ethical hackers include;

  • Financial institutions like banks, credit card companies, lenders, and payment processors.
  • Ecommerce marketplaces 
  • SaaS companies 
  • Data centers and cloud computing companies 
  • Local, state, and federal government bodies 
  • Entertainment and media providers 

With cybercrime on the rise, companies are turning to ethical hackers and penetration testers to stay one step ahead of malicious hackers. According to Payscale, the average salary for a Certified Ethical Hacker is over $90,000 a year, making it a lucrative career in addition to a fulfilling one.   

Where to Find Ethical Hacking Jobs

Ethical hacking jobs can be found as a standalone role or as part of another IT security role like penetration tester, security analyst, security engineer, or network security consultant. Anywhere that you find information technology jobs listed, you can find positions for ethical hacking. Job seekers can also reach out directly to CTO’s, IT recruiters, and network admins to find open positions.     

Ready to start your career in ethical hacking? Get started with ethical hacking classes from ONLC.   

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