
Last Updated on July 29, 2016

As a developer or programmer, you’re expected to not only be competent, but to be a master when it comes to key competencies like Java. For some companies, keeping their employees at the forefront of these competencies is a priority, as it well should be. It boosts employee morale, makes employees feel valued and not least of all, keeps employees performing at their best, confident in their skills and knowledge.

While some bosses might welcome the opportunity to help their employees pay for important training, others may take some convincing. It can be expensive covering the costs of these courses as an individual, but it’s in a company’s best interest to support their employee’s efforts to expand their skill base. It just might take a bit of convincing.

Here are some tips on how to get your employer to pay for Java training.

Know What You’re Asking For

Before you schedule a sit-down discussion with your boss to request training coverage, do your research. Look into affordable Java training options so you can speak clearly and knowledgeably about what, exactly, you’re asking for, what you’ll learn and what it will cost.

Apply it to Your Current Role

An employer is unlikely to support any training that doesn’t seem to correlate with your existing responsibilities. Demonstrate clearly how your training in Java will help you in your role at the company, and thus help the company succeed.

Look into Company Policies

If you’ve never asked for something like this before, you may be surprised to know that your company already has a policy in place for assessing and approving training requests. Do your homework to ensure you know what’s feasible and what might be off the table. If you suspect you may be rejected, though, try anyway – no harm in making the effort!

Formalize Your Request

Nothing says professional quite like a formalized letter of request outlining the relevant points of a request, from the details of the training and its benefits to its long-term implications for your role and the company. Formalize your request to demonstrate to your supervisor that you made a concerted effort, and didn’t just make the request on a whim.

Make it Worth Their While

While improving one employee’s knowledge is great, your employer may be more inclined to support your request if you demonstrate how you can translate that knowledge to a broader audience. Offer to host a presentation or informal “lunch and learn” where you share your key takeaways from the training with coworkers who may find it useful.

Make it Count

Once you’ve gotten the training approved and have gone through the course, be sure to demonstrate to your employer that it was a worthwhile investment by acting on the new knowledge you’ve acquired. Maximize your employer’s investment by showing what you learned and using it to improve your work.

With a smart, thoughtful approach, you have a good shot at convincing your employer to pay for your Java training. With the right follow-up, it’s likely you could make your ongoing education a regular company investment.

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1 Comment

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