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Google Docs

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Fee:  $295

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Google Docs Course Outline

This one-day class will show you how to create, edit, share, and print documents with Google Docs. The class is recommended for users who would like to get to know Google Docs in more depth or who are converting to Google Workspace from another office suite such as Microsoft Office.

To ensure your success in this course, you should have end-user computer skills, including being able to start programs, switch between programs, locate saved files, close programs, and access websites using a web browser.

Who Should Not Attend
If you have never used a word processor before, you should not take this class. The class is fast-paced and assumes you understand the basic word processing concepts. You know how to do things in Microsoft Word--now you just need to learn how to do the same things in Google Docs.


Getting Started
Signing in to Google Apps
Using the Google Apps menu
Accessing Docs from Google Drive
Making a Copy of a Document
Understanding the Display Screen
Using The Menu and the Toolbar
Changing the View of a Document
Using Help

Working with Documents
Moving Around a Document
Selecting Text
Creating and Renaming a Document
Entering Text in a Document
Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Text
Inserting, Replacing, and Deleting Text
Changing Character Attributes
Using Undo and Redo
Closing a Document

Working with Page Layout
Using Page Setup
Inserting Page Breaks
Inserting Page Numbers
Working with Headers and Footers

Using Document Tools
Checking Spelling and Grammar
Working with the Dictionary
Working with Explore
Working with Preferences
Finding and Replacing Text
Using Word Count
Printing a Document
Working with Bookmarks
Inserting Links

Formatting Paragraphs
Changing the Line Spacing
Aligning and Indenting Text
Setting Tab-Stops
Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
Using Borders and Shading
Working with Styles
Using the Document Outline
Creating a Table of Contents
Inserting Columns

Working with Tables
Creating a Table
Entering Text into a Table
Modifying a Table
Changing Table Properties
Working with Nested Tables

Working with Graphics
Inserting an Image
Sizing, Positioning and Rotating an Image
Cropping an Image
Changing Image Options
Applying a Border to an Image
Inserting a Horizontal Line
Inserting Special Characters
Creating and Editing a Drawing

Sharing Documents
Sharing a Document
Sharing a Link to a Document
Publishing to the Web
Collaborating with Suggesting Mode
Working with Comments
Opening a Microsoft Word Document in Google Docs
Downloading Documents in Other Formats
Emailing a File
Working with Versions
Viewing Details

View outline in Word


Attend hands-on, instructor-led Google Docs training classes at ONLC's more than 300 locations. Not near one of our locations? Attend these same live classes from your home/office PC via our Remote Classroom Instruction (RCI) technology.

For additional training options, check out our list of Google Docs Courses and select the one that's right for you.


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