Category Archives Microsoft

why learn sql

Almost everyone deals with data in the course of their day-to-day work. Whether you’re sorting through Salesforce records, managing customer data in a CRM, or even just looking through an Excel spreadsheet, it’s all data. Dealing with data can become challenging even at only a few hundred rows, but learning Microsoft SQL Server can make […]

marketing power BI

Reporting is often one of the most challenging aspects of any marketing campaign.  Whether you’re an in-house marketing director, solo consultant, or handling multiple clients within an agency, reporting can make or break relationships and retainers.  The domination of digital marketing has created a whole new set of KPIs to report on, like CPC, CPC, […]

workflow automation - what is power automate

What Is Power Automate?   Microsoft Flow, now rebranded as Power Automate, is a tool that lets users automate tasks and processes within their Office 365 workflow.  Microsoft Office 365 has a wide range of apps that are essential to business operations and thousands of organizations.  Applications like: Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Outlook […]


The ribbon toolbar of Microsoft Word contains a seemingly infinite number of useful buttons that execute various commands to help you build your documents. Most, if not all, of these buttons have keyboard shortcuts assigned to them. You can become much faster and more efficient at building Word documents if you can learn the keyboard […]

PPT Tips and Tricks

Most of us have either viewed or given a PowerPoint presentation at one time or another. Microsoft PowerPoint has been the most popular software for creating and delivering presentations on just about anything for decades. Even if you don’t work in a so-called “white-collar” job, you probably at least have heard of PowerPoint. Most likely, […]

VLOOKUP stands for “vertical lookup” and its primary function is to find values in a column (vertical) and then return a corresponding value of another cell in that value’s row (horizontal). One example is if you are standing at the counter of a restaurant and you’re looking down the list of items and then looking […]

Microsoft SQL Server has been one of the most powerful and widely used relational database systems for over 20 years now. Along with Oracle and MySQL, SQL Server is one of the most widely used enterprise database management systems. Learning how to use any relational database system can help boost almost any career, but if […]

Researching Best IT Certificate

The first step in our five-part series outlining each step of how to earn employer sponsorship for IT training begins with researching the right certification for your current job. Whether your current position requires a deeper understanding of technology or you are looking to take on a role with more responsibility – there’s an IT […]

data science skills for executives

One of the most in-demand tech careers out there is Data Science. This term refers to the skills one needs to have in order to gather, process, analyze, and communicate data results to a target audience to achieve a specific goal. Now more than ever, data science skills are important if one wants to advance […]
